I've received a few emails concerning the theme of mystical theology, from people who are interested in it, and I had to give some convincing explanations.
When I stayed here, on a voluntary basis, I started to take an interest in this because it is quite fascinating themes while remaining on a basis of notions that are part of history, both as regards of the old testament, or quite simply the philosophy of the Greek fathers, or of the fathers of the church.
There is in this, something healthy, and medieval philosophy, known as mystical, proposes to learn more about Christianity, and not the basic notions that many appropriate on the coming of Jesus Christ and his subsequent departure. to resurrection.
What I find inspiring are the notions that can be found in various works, such as : what is humility, charity, mercy, ontology, reconciliation between the East and the the West, or quite simply the passage of the transfiguration.
In this, the Orthodox tradition is quite different from that of the West, the Orthodox Church does not recognize the Pope as head of the church. I prefer to be interested in that because it is beautiful, and the music is part of these achievements, the Gregorian music was inspired by the oriental music, even if the system of neumes was conceived in the West.
In all this, you have to take the time, if not... impossible to go into it. Therefore, the pandemic was the opportunity to be able to understand, quite simply. I had read about twenty books, ranging from writings coming directly from monasteries, not found in classic bookstores, so I put in picture the book which is for me the reference, that of the "Mystical Theology" of Pseudo Dionysius The Aeropagite.
Moreover, I could see that people took again things that I write in this blog without quoting me ... others yes, you will tell me that it is the law of the Internet, either .. . let's move on. I am not looking to become a star, but to lift a tiny veil on things that ordinary people cannot, far too caught up in the common things of the life of a citizen.
I was in acedia period ... and so I forced myself to play and record things but to throw everything in the trash in the end, I had texts in Russian, Italian, instrumentals...in fact, i am having difficulties in being able to manage an envelope module, the Airstreamer, I cannot install it, and optimize it, probably I should practice in a different way, I asked the manufacturer to publish a or two videos to dig it deeper, I hope he will ...
Blurry with the next recordings, just one title? releasing a twelve tracks? after the publication of singles, Ep and mini albums with 8 tracks on average? The fact remains that the new set up and live studio is okay; I may play in Switzerland and my will is to go to Tokyo, then to South America, the situation remains however quite disparate in some parts of the world, which is sad , and some have short memories. Love is the big missing from this new world ...