The recordings are more and more numerous these last weeks, it is the first time that I record without telling myself that it can end in song, just the pleasure of going deeper into things and feeling a new beginning. No doubt the wisdom of the age ... the modular rack is complete, in the sense that there is everything you need in seven modules. I was able to work on songs, in the real sense of the word, but I got bored doing something that I had, in the past, touched with my finger; here, it is obvious, that I just have to add the guitar in a very discreet way, almost blended into the whole. And so definitely, the style will shift to down tempo, as singing from my part is not my thing, maybe more written down, what the song is dealing with but no voice on the track. So i will configure the modular rack with the necesary tools to create my own down tempo musical pieces. I feel really good about that. It's clear that the electric guitar will benefit from the work done, and so the stompboxes will sound differently than with the folk guitar. Then, why not doing an acoustic version with a voice, but not mine, that's for sure.
Looked at a lot of things on sound therapy, the frequencies are interesting, and I must be able with my scope to achieve the desired frequency. In terms of reading, it is less exciting than before, but I still finished the book of the mystical theology of Dionysius, last night I concentrated on the writings of Archimendrite Placide Deseille, and I found notions contained in the book of mystical theology.
The sumerian musical tradition will be present within the different scales, i was listening to the oldest song in the music history called "Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal, N.6 (1400 BCE), it contains a particular vibe with a lydian logical, the goal is to sound like myre and harp, or even Luth, that's an exercise i was already doing with Byzantine scales for the album "Senmurw", this time the guitar has just to act in a very discreet way, to plunge into the modular sequences. Recently, i had a look at a module called "Scion", and you can capture the organic movements of your plants, and so randomly use it for sequence. It can be really good, to obtain something definitely unexpected. The thing then is to bring with you a plant, or get one in the area where you have to perform live.
Modulars have really changed my vision of music, i was a bit bored about synths in general, but this time, i spend time working on good things thanks to this type of devices. Delay modulations have taken a really important seat while composing, and again i have to say that the coma reactor delay from Animal Factory, has taken part for this change of vision.
For the guitar, i use a very precise combination : Freeze from electro harmonix, then F13 flanger from Alexander Pedals, Space Spiral and Transmisser reverbator from Earthquaker devices. Not more not less ^^.
I mainly record and take time to gather all the possible inspiration to release something next year, as there is so many possibilities with the modular rack, that i want to save certain ideas and in the other hand, keep others for live performances, but not being "stuck" the whole momentum into something so fast.
This content could find its place in the next songs, but I doubt to sing on it, these new songs will be instrumental, but I will make VCO"s singing (Lfo into the Nw1 with position knob, and the plaits from mutable instruments with speech.
I work on stereo speakers with these modules, but I think mono remains an essential basis, and i will do it with headphones afterwards for the mix.